A Time of War





There is a spiritual battle going on, and every Believer is a soldier in God’s army. Being unprepared for war can be dangerous. We are equipped through the Word of God to be victorious in every battle we face in life. It is important to become proactive in our stance as Believers.

  1. There is a time for everything, even a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).
    1. Wage a good warfare (1Timothy 1:18, AMP).
      1. Earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 1:3).
      2. Fight with everything you have to hold on to your faith because the devil wants to rob you of it.
      3. Satan wants to destroy your trust and faith in God.
      4. He wants you to believe you have no victory.
    2. You are armed well for the fight (Psalm 18:31, The Message Translation).
      1. When you study to know the Scriptures, you are preparing yourself for battle.
      2. Be a champion for the cause of Christ!
      3. Endure hardness as a good soldier (2 Timothy 2:3).
      4. Hard times help to define who you really are.
  1. What would a soldier do?
    1. A soldier is one who has the strength to defend against Satan’s attacks.
    2. A soldier wields great influence through his authority and rank.
    3. A soldier understands orders and the importance of obedience.
    4. A soldier has responsibilities.
      1. Work ethics, obligations, preparation, and training.
  1. Who are we fighting?
    1. The battle has already been won.
      1. The devil is defeated. Jesus defeated him thousands of years ago.
      2. We must defeat him on a personal level.
      3. We cannot be afraid to represent Jesus Christ.
      4. We must get involved and actively engage in this fight.
      5. We can walk in victory in our lives.
      6. Satan wants us to think we cannot win.
    2. A soldier is well aware of the cause he or she is fighting for; they know that lives are at stake.
      1. They know what their duties are.
      2. If a soldier is not in the right place during the battle, lives may be lost.
      3. If he or she has a bad attitude, they compromise the safety of everyone.
  1. How effective are you in the Kingdom of God?
    1. To determine your effectiveness, ask yourself these questions:
      1. How important is it to me that I help advance the Kingdom of God?
      2. How enthusiastic am I about doing my part?
      3. How would my life be if I were to wholeheartedly live to carry out the will of God for my life?
    2. Remember who you are (Hebrews 10:32).
      1. Fight the good fight. Do your part to advance the Kingdom of God (1Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7).
      2. Keep your sense of urgency (2 Timothy 4:2, AMP).
  1. Be strong in the Lord and empowered through your union with Him (Ephesians 6:10-20, AMP ).
    1. Put on God’s whole armor so that you will be successful against the strategies of the enemy.
      1. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, contending with physical opponents only, but against spiritual forces of wickedness in the unseen realm.
      2. Tighten the belt of truth.
      3. Put on the breastplate of righteousness.
      4. Lift up the shield of faith.
      5. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword the Spirit wields, which is the Word of God.
      6. Pray at all times; intercede on behalf of the saints.

Scripture References

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Hebrews 10:32

1Timothy 1:18, AMP

1Timothy 6:12

Jude 1:3

2 Timothy 4:7

Psalm 18:31, The Message Translation

2 Timothy 4:2, AMP

2 Timothy 2:3

Ephesians 6:10-20, AMP

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