
Imperfect Motherhood (Part 2)

Today, this is for everyone, but it might resonate more with mothers of adult children. Have you ever looked at pictures of your kids or watched them from a distance and thought, Wow! They grew up so quickly! For many, this can bring you to a place of joy and the nostalgia of beautiful memories. For others, it can quickly turn into thoughts of regret. I wish I had done this differently. I should have been a better mother.

If that’s you, I want today to be your day of freedom! One of the biggest lies the devil tells you is that you aren’t forgiven for something you did in your past. He wants the weight of that condemnation to fall so heavily on you that you feel unworthy. But you have something that’s so valuable: you have the Blood of Jesus! Through it, you have the grace and mercy of God to be forgiven. Not only are you forgiven, but God is able to fix and restore the broken places of your heart and the hearts of those to whom you may have caused pain. He can repair strained relationships and renew love and care in a family.

You have to trust that you’ve done your job! Young mama, trust that you are doing your job—and doing it well. There is no such thing as a perfect parent! It doesn’t exist. You’ve got to get to the place where you stand in the conviction that you did the best you could do given what you had. If your children say you didn’t, then let them know that they need to put their trust in God and let Him handle the hurt, but you can’t beat yourself up over past decisions or live your life in regret.

It’s all right to look at and accept your imperfections because the grace and mercy of God are available to address them and take you where you need to go. You can’t let past or present imperfections stop you from doing what you need to do. So, how do you move beyond your flaws? Make room for God in your life.

What are you choosing to focus on? What’s filling your thought life? Do you focus on praising the Lord, prayer, or the promises He made you in His Word? Or are you focusing on situations that anger you, disappointments, or stresses you encounter? You are the keeper of your house, and you get to choose to whom you rent it. So, switch your tenants—make room for joy, peace, and wisdom. Make room for love, patience, and kindness; start with being kind to yourself. Make room for truth: the truth of what God really thinks about you. These things are found as you allow God to reveal Himself to you through reading the Bible, praying, and spending quiet time with Him. He can also bring blessings to you through your relationships with others.

So Mama, extend some grace to yourself today and allow God to come in and heal the broken places. Let Him answer the questions and give you peace of mind. Allow the truth of God’s Word to block out every lie and condemning thought of the enemy? Yes, real moms are imperfect, but they know the importance of entrusting their lives and the lives of their children into the hands of the most perfect parent of all—God. Rest in that truth, Mama.


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