Finding Your Purpose: Important Reminder to Discovering Your Path

Where are you going today and what does that destination have to do with the rest of your life? When you organize a vacation or a trip, you will usually turn to an app or research the best route to get to your desired location. No matter where you want to go, you’ll find several options, including the choice of whether to take highways or instead book a flight. In the same way, there is a plan for your life that has been mapped out from the foundations of this world.

You want to discover it—of course you do! We’ve all asked ourselves, “What is my purpose in life? What is the will of God when it comes to me?” You want to walk in it. You want to be able to know that you’re in it and receive the assurance that you’re on the right path. A lot of times, people live their lives and wonder why they’re not fulfilled. You yourself might wonder why you feel empty or restless when it comes to your everyday routine. You wonder why you’re not in a place of peace and contentment. The reason for this can be very simple: it is impossible to accidentally follow the will of God for your life.

  1. The Goal is NOT Survival Mode

In most instances, we thoughtlessly follow the status quo. Go to work, eat, return home, go to sleep . . . and do this over and over again without being deliberate about living in our calling. It’s simple to go through the motions of everyday life without honing in on our purpose.

I encourage you not to be vague and thoughtless when it comes to your life. Find out what unique purpose has been ordained for you. You can end up meandering through life, allowing obstacles to determine what direction you go in. A lot of times we can associate circumstances, tests, and trials with God’s will. But we have to realize that our purpose is so much bigger than the hard times and obstacles. Things happen in life that may cause pain and hardship, but that’s not God’s will. He intends for you to experience the satisfaction of a life well-lived—to live well and love well.

  1. Life is a Jigsaw Puzzle—and That’s a Good Thing!

While the goal is not perfection and we should be willing to acknowledge our human limitations, it is equally important to recognize the lasting effect our decisions have on our future. We may make a decision that connects with this piece, and this piece connects with that piece. Then the third piece connects with the fourth piece. Ultimately, we’ll begin to say, “Wow. This must be God’s will coming to pass.” I’m not saying that it’ll all be revealed from A to Z, but the unfolding is an important part of the journey.

Remember: regardless of how difficult a puzzle is, you know what it’s supposed to look like because the picture is on the box. The vision is clear. In the same way, you must act with a clear vision in mind. Don’t be vague. Don’t be thoughtless or foolish. Accomplishing the things that you were created to achieve means making purposeful attempts to find, follow, and fulfill God’s will. It requires deliberate effort.


Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit right in, that you fit into it without even thinking. Recognize your exact location, identify your mindset, and make the decision to re-orient yourself according to the right destination. When you turn to God, the hardships lead to your happiness because you know you’re growing to where you’re meant to be. Be purposeful about a purpose-driven life!

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