
Life Reimagined

If you ask accomplished people about their secret to success, you will hear a common phrase: healthy habits. Just like an athlete must maintain daily workouts to push her toward her goals, you must develop daily habits to help you become successful. To build the life you wish to have, you have to shift your mindset and thought patterns to lead you toward that goal. It is vitally important that you take time to constantly invest in yourself, intentionally internalizing life-building affirmations that change your mindset to one of victory.

There is a saying, “You are what you eat,” but you are also what you think and believe. If you constantly think negative, fearful, or defeating thoughts, you will not live a life of victory. Fear and defeat will keep you stuck right where you are. Our words are meaningful, so we must be mindful of them. Do you find yourself constantly saying negative things? If so, it’s time to look at what you’ve been feeding yourself and what you are saying.

Life is a sum total of the decisions that you make. If you put your heart and mind in a positive place, your decisions will reflect that. When was the last time you took a risk and applied for that promotion, or house, or gave a new relationship a chance? If you didn’t, why not? Did you convince yourself that the odds are against you and there’s no way it could work? Now consider this fact: God is with you, and He wants you to win! Does that change your mind about it? It is much easier to take the leap you when approach a situation from a place of victory. Let your heart and mind agree that you are equipped to win.

Changing your mindset requires discipline and consistency. It’s a habit that you must build daily. One workout session will not give you six-pack abs, but a consistent exercise routine will deliver results. So, how does your daily routine look? Does it consist of seeking God and asking Him how He would have you carry out that day? Do you take time to read the Bible, spend a quiet moment listening, or be mindful of your thoughts? Or do you get up and hit the ground running? If it’s not already your practice to take a moment with God, you must add it to your routine so that you can build your relationship with Him. Think about it: do you have a true relationship with those that you never spend time with?

When you take a moment to include God at the start of your day, you build the inner strength needed to weather the storms that life blows at you. As you read His Word and listen for His voice, your mindset changes. You gain the assurance that will bring forth results in your everyday life. This assurance builds your confidence and prepares you for anything that may come your way. It keeps you steady and immovable despite the challenges you face, and strengthens you against giving up and quitting. When your habit is to line your thoughts up with the positive outcome you’re working toward, your mood won’t change because someone else has a bad day or things don’t go exactly as you planned. Instead, you will bubble over with joy and peace, knowing that God is with you even in tough times.

Your daily routine is the secret to building inner strength and being prepared for the future. An anointed daily routine produces glorious results. I encourage you to be intentional in inviting God into your daily habits. Let Him build your heart and mind to win.

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