Creflo and Taffi Dollar Bring Message of Grace to Raleigh

COLLEGE PARK, GA—Internationally-known ministers, Creflo and Taffi Dollar, will visit Raleigh, NC, next week with a message of grace.

The leaders of World Changers Church International are bringing an inspirational message to the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, where they will host their powerful, one-day Change Experience Convention, on Friday, October 13th. The event is free, though the demand for seats is expected to be high. Advance registration is recommended.

Tens of thousands of people around the world have been impacted by similar Change Experience Conventions over the past 15 years. Also featuring worship and prayer, the event centers on dynamic, Bible-based teaching aimed at helping people understand grace and empowering them to change.

Recognized for his cutting-edge revelation and humorous, pragmatic approach, Creflo empowers millions to experience God’s grace, restoration, healing, and financial breakthrough by delivering simple, biblical principles to apply in their daily lives. He is a world-renowned Bible teacher, best-selling author, and sought-after conference speaker with hundreds of books, CDs, and DVDs in worldwide distribution. He publishes CHANGE online magazine, and his award-winning television show, Changing Your World, is broadcast throughout the world and translated into six languages.

Taffi, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, is a world-renowned author, teacher, spiritual leader, and motivational speaker. A minister of the Gospel, Taffi has a global influence in ministry and music. She serves as the CEO of Arrow Global Entertainment, a cutting-edge entertainment company. In addition to ministering from the pulpit, she frequently hosts prayer and Bible study meetings, retreats, workshops, and other events that empower women. Taffi’s focus on Bible-based gender equality has given birth to the Radical Revolution, a movement designed to enlighten women about the strength, power, and equality given to them by God.

For more information contact:
Ty Mays @ (770) 256-8710
[email protected]

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