Associated Ministries

Prestige is a program designed to help empower and build the self‑esteem and self‑worth of women who are involved in the sex industry, including, but not limited to, prostituted women and exotic dancers. Our goal is to demonstrate the love of God to these precious women and reach out to them in a non‑judgmental and accepting way

Prestige is also committed to providing exotic dancers and prostituted women with spiritual resources such as prayer, counseling, and mentoring, as well as providing practical resources such as housing, educational and entrepreneurship opportunities, and life skills classes to help them make the transition out of the sex industry. Ultimately, we want to make a mark in the lives of these women by showing them the unconditional love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, and let them know they are loved and cherished by God.

[email protected]

As sisters in one Body, our mission is to see every woman develop into the fullness of the virtuous woman God intended for her to be. Our goals are to manifest the standards of Christ in every way; to develop in the Love of God; to promote oneness and unity with a sense of family and sisterhood; and to represent the image and display the character of Jesus Christ. We intend to achieve these goals by pursuing the following objectives:

  • To establish small groups for mentoring, encouragement, transparency and accountability
  • To grow in grace and knowledge through Radical Women’s Ministry Bible Study
  • To host edifying, fun‑filled activities, such as luncheons, teas, and retreats
  • To enhance our personal relationship with God through monthly fellowships, events and seminars
  • To encourage women to develop in the character of Christ
  • To teach women to walk in wholeness through the Word of God – spirit, soul and body


[email protected]

Arrow Global Entertainment is a global music and entertainment organization affiliate of Creflo Dollar Ministries, which combines Christian musical and entertainment genres, such as jazz, gospel, R&B, pop, and comedy. The vision of Arrow Global Entertainment is to expand the brand of the Arrow Records label. With continued growth and achievement, Arrow Global Entertainment continues to be a beacon of light as it continues to expand upon the vision to make a mark upon the music and entertainment industry.