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You have been forgiven of your past, present and future sins. That one thing that keeps you up at night, the thing that Satan loves to remind you of? Cancelled. Blotted out. Crossed off your record.

Thousands of years ago Jesus paid the price for the sins that should have held us bound in captivity, guilt and death. He did this so that we could be restored back to the Father. His sacrifice gives us access to the throne room – to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

This is all true, but Satan definitely does not want us to realize it. He’d have us groping around in the darkness, like blind people, unaware of our heritage as sons and daughters of the King.

Under the curse, we fumble about. We’re blindsided by the attacks of the enemy. We have little idea of God’s plans for us – and His plans are big.

So how do we open our eyes to His truths? How do we learn to identify Satan’s deceitful schemes for what they are?

One of the most life-changing decisions I’ve ever made was to prioritize time spent meditating on the word of God. Time in His word causes me to think better. It grants me a heavenly perspective. It teaches me to walk in His ways and the result is His blessing.

The second game changer for me was realizing that as a born again believer, I have the Holy Ghost. His Spirit guides me and leads me and convicts me and comforts me and teaches me and reveals things to me. The more I tune in to His leading, the more I begin to recognize it. Living a spirit-led life is like exercising – you grow fitter the more you do it.

I love that I’ve only seen glimpse of all that He has in store for me. I love that His plans are to prosper and not to harm me, to give me hope and future. I love that I get to spend my life learning more about Who He is and living out His intentions. Most of all, I love that He so loved us that He sent His Son to die that we would have eternal life in relationship with Him.

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